My post-flight photo workflow

A midsummer rain squall over Oxfordshire at sunset.

Since flying my first quadcopter, a Mavic Pro, I've evolved the sequence of events that between landing and having photos to share. It's the most efficient it's been, but it still leaves a lot to be desired.

  1. Connect external volume (a SanDisk 2TB Extreme Pro) and microSD from the aircraft to the computer.
  2. Run my media moving script to put the files I want in the place I want.
  3. Open the DNG files in Adobe Camera RAW (Photoshop).
  4. Merge the photos.
  5. Edit the photos in Lightroom. (I know, I could merge in Lightroom, but then it wants to upload the source media to Adobe's cloud, and whilst that's where I want the final images, I have no desire to upload or store the source media there.)
  6. Export to a folder locally.
  7. Run this: magick convert -crop "1:1" DJI*.jpg ./cropped/fileOut$02d.jpg (which produces crops of each of the images, so a 2x1 image becomes 2 x 1x1 images, perfect for uploading to Instagram to get user interaction via swiping to see more).
  8. Airdrop the uncropped image to my iPhone, and add a frame in VOUN.
  9. Airdrop the framed photo back to my laptop.
  10. Post with hashtags.
Whispy clouds just after sunset looking west towards Farmoor Reservoir