Gravel Rides Around Seville

In 2023, I was lucky enough to spend three months in Seville (Sevilla), in Andalucia in southern Spain. I took my bike with me, a steel Squid Gravtron, to explore the local (and less local) areas. (Power-scroll to the bottom for the Komoot routes and GPX tracks.)

After finding online map data incomplete, often giving directions to locked gates, lost in one-way systems, or along paths that don't exist (and haven't existed for a long time), I decided to pubilsh my five favourite rides, to help anyone else looking for a gravel experience from Sevilla.

I set each ride to start and finish at the excellent Muy Coffee on Coreduria, brilliantly operated by Les Hermanos del Cafe (I'm not sure if they I know I call them this).

If you'd rather finish on a beer, on the other side of the square you'll find Hops and Dreams, which has eight taps of craft beer available, and excellent (chips|fries). Either way, what bliss?

Some of the gravel is smooth, some is rough washboard, but at no point did I feel the need for suspension: the 650b/48mm René Herse Juniper Ridge tyres on carbon rims did a good job of keeping me fresh.

Most towns will have a water fountain, and will serve (bad) coffee: the safest bet is to ask for a café solo pequeño; the equivalent of a short espresso, and to add sugar.

Cycling in Andalcuia has been wonderful: drivers are incredibly respectful, and over three months, always passing at a safe distance. I saw someone pulled over for wearing headphones, which carries a €190 fine (I think), so don't be that person. Bike lanes are normally bi-directional, painted green, and separated from the road: use them when they're available to save being honked at.
With that (beta|meta|DOPE) out of the way, onto the rides...